Who I am ? it's there Raymond Monfort .

To contact me , with pleasure here is my Email : ramond.monfort@wanadoo.fr

To access to funerial hieroglyphic-texts and translations:
Textes de la vache divine. or Litanies of the sun Rê ,
The Sethy's sarcophagus. from Soane Museum in London.
Also, in summer 2005, in french for the moment, The Nauri Decree.

Meteo in France , in the neiberhood of Paris :

Sethy Ist and godess Hathor in Louvre Museum :

For a more complet vue of the scene ( with a certain influences the amarna art evident )and explanations let's click on it !
Sethy Ist was the father of Ramses II , the Great , and the son of Ramses the first .

This site is under construction by an admire of this pharaoh .
At the present time I am processing to translate( to try is better) the pages in English. If you find a french version , could you excuse me, in the next future it will be translated . Thanks .
I hope you ' ll be patient ?
For passionned people about Ancient Egypt , I added some pages which give to you more informations ( Chronology , geography , etc ... ) .

My name is Raymond MONFORT .

Sethy 's Protocol
Important note : the different names or words underligned in blue , in every page , will link you , automatically to the Main Index Page !

Last review : 30th of april 2006 (Abydos and Bibilography).


NEDSTAT for statistics , in french : , very interesting for the list of foreign countries which had visited this website ! or more :

One another counter , also in french :

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( plus 5884 links ) .