1. Khâemouaset brother of Sethy the eldest .
  2. Khâemouaset son of Ramsès II .

KHÂEMOUASET the eldest

This person name was found on a stela in the l(Oriental Institute of Universty of Chicago .

He was figured on left side of Sethy the eldest, and beared as title :

"his beloved son , fan bearer in the Royal Compagny , Khâemouaset" .

It's the only mention of this person , I know ?

Biblio : Cruz-Uribe , dans J.N.E.S.1978, n°37 , pp237-244.

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KHÂEMOUASET son of Ramses II .

Her sons = Hori and Pahemheb

The son of Hori : Hori, the same name as his father .

To have a point of vue on the hieroglyphics variants of the name of Khaemouaset .

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Last update : 19 july 1998