Year was called renep, and was composed of 12 months ,abed, of 30 days " hrw " .

Each season was composed of 4 months :

  1. Akhet .
    • Month 1 = , in grecian Thot .
    • Month 2 = , in grecian Phaophi .
    • Month 3 = , in grecian Athyr .
    • Month 4 = , in grecian Khoiak .
  2. Peret . or again called Winter .
  3. Chemou . or again called Summer .

The first day of the month was : tepy (en) akhet, oupet-renep, heb Khenemou; which mean "First day of month Akhet, openning the year ( = day 1 ), festival of de Khnoum".

As we have seen on last page , each month was divided in DECANS , that would mean periods of 10 days . For each month we found , the first decan , after the second one : , and finally the third decade : .

The name of months : Thot , Phaophi , Athyr , Khoiak , Tybi , Mekhir , Phamenoth , Pharmouthi , Pakhon , Payni , Epiph , Mesorê ; are seldom used in certain egyptologic books . They seem a little archaïcs and anachronics . In fact theses names was main used in Lagide period and wrote in grec .

For Coptes , which area started on 284 after Jesus Christ ( called too Marthyrs area ) they emplyed as months :
Twt , Bâbah , Hatour , Kyhak , Twbah , Amchir , Baramhât , Baramoudah , Bachens , Baou'wnah , Abîb , Misrâ et Nasy .

To be continued. . . . . .

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